Search by Name



The PEP and Sanctions Screening API enables your application to screen individuals and entities against comprehensive databases of politically exposed persons (PEPs) and sanctioned entities. This service helps ensure compliance with international and national regulations and mitigates risks associated with financial crimes, such as money laundering and terrorism financing.



Before you proceed, ensure you review the prerequisites for integrating to our APIs for a more detailed guide.

API Endpoint



Our service accepts headers for authentication. See below the headers to pass to the API

userIdStringThis is your user id retrieved from the portal. Check the getting started article to understand how to retrieve your userId
apiKeyStringThis is your apikey retrieved from the portal. Check the getting started article to understand how to retrieve your apiKey


Request ParameterStatusDescriptionTest Data
verificationTypeRequiredThis field is used to identify the service being called. Ensure to use the value provided exactly as providedPEP-AND-SANCTION-SCREENING
countryCodeOptionalThe countryCode is passed in this fieldNG
ParamsRequiredThis contains the parameters required for verification.
  "verificationType": "PEP-AND-SANCTION-SCREENING",
  "countryCode": "NG",
  "params": {
    "type": "individual",
    "name": "Ojo",
    "firstName": "",
    "lastName": "",
    "gender": "",
    "position": "",
    "religion": "",
    "birthPlace": "",
    "country": ""


Response ParameterTypeDescription
responseCodeStringPlease reference Response Codes page for details on all possible responses
descriptionStringThis is a description of the response received.
verificationTypeStringThe same verificationType passed in request will be returned here
verificationStatusStringThis field lets you know if the identity verification was successful. Options are:

VERIFIED: This means that the query is valid.
NOT VERIFIED This means that the query is invalid
PENDING This status means that the verification could not be completed. Refer to the responseCode for the specific failure reason
transactionStatusStringThis indicates the wallet debit status. The options are successful or failed.
transactionReferenceStringIf you supplied a transactionReference, the same will be returned here. Else, we would generate a reference and return that to you in this field.
transactionDateStringDate the transaction was done
responseJsonThis is a Json containing all the actual Company data tied to that query as retrieved from the service provider.
  "responseCode": "00",
  "description": "Successful",
  "verificationType": "PEP-AND-SANCTION-SCREENING",
  "verificationStatus": "VERIFIED",
  "transactionStatus": "SUCCESSFUL",
  "transactionReference": "1630321373727-S4XNBM4C-1721743495692-05888c4c-fb7e-419a-9f8e-8b31fac497af",
  "transactionDate": "1721743496874",
  "searchParameter": null,
  "callBackUrl": null,
  "livenessScore": null,
  "paymentRef": null,
  "response": {
    "success": true,
    "statusCode": 200,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
      "status": "not_cleared",
      "parentId": null,
      "isSubjectConsent": true,
      "type": "all",
      "sanctions": [
          "title": [
          "entityType": "Person",
          "datasets": [
          "birthDate": [
          "firstName": [
          "nationality": [
          "notes": [],
          "topics": [
          "weakAlias": [
          "addressEntity": [
              "country": [
              "full": [
              "full": [
              "country": [
          "alias": [],
          "country": [
          "name": [
            "Abubakar Mohammed Ojo",
            "Abubakar Mohammed Ojo"
          "position": [],
          "middleName": [
          "secondName": [
          "lastName": [
            "BI MUHAMMED",
            "ABUBAKAR  MOHAMMED Ojo",
            "BIN MOHAMMED"
          "deathDate": [
          "religion": [
          "fatherName": [
          "birthPlace": [
            "Ojo Village, Yobe State, Nigeria",
            "Village Ojo, Etat de Yobe",
            "Ojo Village, Yobe State",
            "Yobe State, Nigeria"
          "gender": [
          "sourceUrl": [
          "ethnicity": [
            "Kanuri people"
          "sanctions": [
              "sourceUrl": [
              "unscId": [
              "startDate": [
              "program": [
                "UN List",
              "listingDate": [
              "authority": [
                "Ministry of Justice and Human Rights"
              "country": [
              "startDate": [
              "summary": [
                "Listed on 26 June 2014 (amended 6 Dec 2019)"
              "sourceUrl": [
              "country": [
              "authority": [
                "Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)"
              "program": [
                "1267/1989/2253 (ISIL (Da'esh) and Al-Qaida)"
              "startDate": [
              "authority": [
                "Federal Public Service Finance"
              "sourceUrl": [
              "listingDate": [
              "program": [
              "reason": [
                "735/2014 (OJ L198)"
              "country": [
              "sourceUrl": [
              "program": [
                "Ordinance of 2 October 2000 on measures against individuals and entities associated with Usama bin Laden, the group «Al-Qaïda» or the Taliban (SR 946.203), annex 2"
              "authority": [
                "State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)"
              "listingDate": [
              "startDate": [
              "country": [
              "reason": [
                "735/2014 (OJ L198)"
              "program": [
              "country": [
              "listingDate": [
              "sourceUrl": [
              "authority": [
                "European External Action Service"
              "startDate": [
              "authority": [
                "Estonian Presidency of the Council of the EU"
              "country": [
              "reason": [
                "Council Decision concerning restrictive measures against ISIL (Da'esh) and Al-Qaeda and persons, groups, undertakings and entities associated with them and repealing Common Position 2002/402/CFSP"
              "sourceUrl": [
              "program": [
                "(UE) 735/2014 du 04/07/2014 (ONU Al Qaeda Etat - Islamique - règlement (UE) 881/2002)"
              "reason": [
                "membre de la tribu Kanuri - description physique : yeux de couleur noire, cheveux de couleur noire - dirigeant du Jama'atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda'Awati Wal-Jihad (Boko Haram). Sous la direction de Ojo, Boko Haram a été responsable d'une série d'attaques terroristes majeures"
              "sourceUrl": [
              "authority": [
                "Ministry of Economy, Finance, and Recovery"
              "country": [
              "program": [
                "ISIL (Da'esh) and Al-Qaida"
              "country": [
              "listingDate": [
              "authority": [
                "Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation",
              "status": [
                "Asset Freeze Targets"
              "startDate": [
              "sourceUrl": [
              "unscId": [
              "unscId": [
              "program": [
                "タリバーン関係者等 (タリバーン、アル・カーイダ及びISIL(ダーイシュ)関係者等) / (注1)国連安保理決議第1267号、第1333号、第1390号、第1988号、第1989号、第2253号及び第2255号に加えて、国連安保理決議第1373号に基づく資産凍結措置の対象に指定されている個人及び団体については、告示番号の冒頭に*印を付しています。 (注2)2021年5月28日以降の制裁対象者の追加指定につきましては、外務省告示を2回に分けて発出することとなりました。 (1回目:制裁対象者の氏名等を国連安保理が公表した英文の情報のまま発出する告示、2回目:制裁対象者の氏名等に仮名表記等を追加・修文する告示)2回目の告示発出につきましては、当シートの告示日付には反映しておりません。"
              "country": [
              "startDate": [
              "authority": [
                "Ministry of Finance"
              "sourceUrl": [
              "authority": [
                "Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)"
              "sourceUrl": [
              "provisions": [
              "program": [
                "SDN List"
              "reason": [
                "Executive Order 13224 (Terrorism)"
              "country": [
              "sourceUrl": [
              "country": [
              "listingDate": [
              "authority": [
                "Державна служба фінансового моніторингу України (Держфінмоніторинг)"
              "program": [
                "Резолюції РБ ООН 1267 (1999) та 1989 (2011)"
              "startDate": [
              "unscId": [
              "startDate": [
              "sourceUrl": [
              "authority": [
                "United Nations Security Council (UN SC)"
              "program": [
              "listingDate": [
              "authority": [
                "Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC)"
              "sourceUrl": [
              "listingDate": [
              "unscId": [
              "country": [
          "unknownLinkTo": [
              "object": [
                  "sourceUrl": [
                  "weakAlias": [],
                  "alias": [],
                  "notes": [],
                  "country": [
                  "name": [],
                  "topics": [
              "role": [
                "Leader of"
              "object": [
                  "country": [
                  "previousName": [
                    "Salafist Group For Call and Combat",
                    "Le Groupe Salafiste pour La Prédication et le Combat (GSPC)",
                    "Le Groupe Salafiste pour La Predication et le Combat GSPC"
                  "alias": [],
                  "notes": [],
                  "topics": [
                  "name": [],
                  "sourceUrl": [
                  "weakAlias": []
              "role": [
              "role": [
                "Associated with"
              "object": [
                  "notes": [],
                  "name": [],
                  "topics": [
                  "alias": [],
                  "weakAlias": [],
                  "country": [
                  "sourceUrl": [
          "unknownLinkFrom": [
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                  "notes": [],
                  "name": [],
                  "topics": [
                  "alias": [],
                  "weakAlias": [],
                  "country": [
                  "sourceUrl": [
              "role": [
                "Associated with"
              "role": [
                "Formed in March 2015 by"
              "subject": [
                  "notes": [],
                  "alias": [],
                  "weakAlias": [],
                  "topics": [
                  "name": []
              "subject": [
                  "name": [
                    "الدولة الإسلامية في غرب أفريقيا",
                    "Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP)",
                    "Islamic State of Iraq and Syria – West Africa (ISIS-WA)",
                    "Islamic State West Africa Province",
                    "ISIS-West Africa",
                    "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant – West Africa",
                    "המדינה האסלאמית פרובינציית מערב אפריקה",
                    "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant – West Africa (ISIL-WA)",
                    "Islamic State of Iraq and Syria West Africa Province (ISISWAP)",
                    "ISIS-WEST AFRICA"
                  "alias": [
                    "ISIS West Africa",
                    "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant - West Africa (ISIL-WA)",
                    "Islamic State of Iraq and Syria - West Africa (ISISWA",
                    "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant - West Africa (ISILWA)",
                    "Islamic State of Iraq and Syria – West Africa",
                    "Islamic State in West Africa",
                    "Islamic State of Iraq and Syria — West Africa (ISIS-WA)",
                    "Daesh’s West Africa Province",
                    "Islamic State of Iraq and Syria – West Africa (ISIS-WA)",
                    "Islamic State West Africa Province",
                    "West Africa Province",
                    "Islamic State of Iraq and Syria West Africa Province (ISISWAP)",
                    "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant — West Africa (ISIL-WA)",
                    "Islamic State of Iraq and Syria West Africa Province",
                    "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant – West Africa",
                    "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant – West Africa (ISIL-WA)",
                    "Wilayat Gharb Afriqiyya",
                    "Wilayat Gharb Afriqiyah",
                    "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant-West Africa",
                    "ISIS West Africa Province",
                    "الدولة الإسلامية في غرب أفريقيا",
                    "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant – West Africa",
                    "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - West Africa",
                    "Islamic State of Iraq and Syria - West Africa (ISIS-WA)",
                    "ISIS-West Africa",
                    "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant — West Africa"
                  "topics": [
                  "country": [
                  "notes": [],
                  "sourceUrl": [
                  "weakAlias": [],
                  "incorporationDate": [
              "role": [
                "Formed in March 2015 by"
      "pep": [],
      "crime": [],
      "debarment": [],
      "financial_services": [],
      "government": [],
      "role": [],
      "religion": [],
      "military": [],
      "frozen_asset": [],
      "personOfInterest": [],
      "totalEntity": 2,
      "categoryCount": {
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        "role": 0,
        "religion": 0,
        "military": 1,
        "frozen_asset": 0,
        "personOfInterest": 0
      "queriedWith": "Name",
      "query": "Ojo",
      "businessId": "628b38f03ae28a14f52d4bf7",
      "requestedAt": "2023-08-11T04:58:59.458Z",
      "requestedById": "628b38f03ae28a5a122d4bf3",
      "createdAt": "2023-08-11T04:58:59.650Z",
      "lastModifiedAt": "2023-08-11T04:58:59.650Z",
      "_createdAt": "2023-08-11T05:58:5959+01:00",
      "_lastModifiedAt": "2023-08-11T05:58:5959+01:00",
      "id": "64d5c0119b0cdca3fbe26536",
      "requestedBy": {
        "firstName": "API",
        "lastName": "User",
        "middleName": "",
        "id": "628b38f03ae28a5a122d4bf3"
    "links": []
  "faceMatch": null,
  "licenseSessionId": null,
  "remainingLicenseSessionRound": null