Face Capture API Integration 🅰️


The link generation process enables the user to create a personalized link which is used for face capture. It can be generated when some headers and request payloads are passed through our API. The documentation is a guide to show you how to integrate and generate links successfully.



Before you proceed, ensure you review the prerequisites for integrating into our APIs for a more detailed guide.

API EndPoint



Our service accepts headers for authentication. See below the headers to pass to the API

useridStringThis is your user id retrieved from the portal. Check the getting started article to understand how to retrieve your userid
publicKeyStringThis is your publickey retrieved from the portal. Check the getting started article to understand how to retrieve your publicKey

Request Parameters

ParameterRequiredDescriptionTest Data
tokenIdyesThe tokenId gotten from the portal will be passed into this fieldVF-1680278122794
authenticationTokenyesThe authenticationToken gotten from the portal will be passed into this field9fb1f6430f6fe111d96087faf1bde150c5bf3f8b1f0bdd5a4139190cb40673759b47e42d5d7d15c6fea1c03f40f038b336b0d33727556b213bb2372ad591e5497071650a079c30a8deab04682c96e8f9
linkIdentifieryesThis is a field that uniquely identifies your transaction. We generate this field if you leave it empty; however, we encourage you to generate it for proper reconciliation12345678900
callbackUrlyesThe callbackUrl is the webhook where captured image and the background cleanup image will be sent to after a successful capturehttps://webhook.site/5632cc57-c2cf-4aa6-853f-9c5fc9c9068b
redirectUrlyesThe redirectUrl is a link where the user will be redirected at the end of a successful capturehttps://verified.africa
personalizationDetailyesThe identity of the person to be verified will be passed into this fieldKelechi Ogbufe
    "tokenId": "VF-1680278122794",
    "authenticationToken": "83c2431f95eddc34011f3a7daa5a273efafac76ceda9105f88e0eefdb96e0e43cac7b2eebb06b69a9f1908c1a6556e79d6064fe73d3387c50548d4e56e3a609aa9d4f89c82a791d1f9bd3052df65ad03",
    "linkIdentifier": "12345678900",
   "callbackUrl": "https://webhook.site/81d37d63-c7b5-4af3-b347-edc5415a3be1",
   "redirectUrl": "https://verified.africa",
    "personalizationDetail": "Kelechi Ogbufe"
statusStringThis is a status of the response received.
responseCodeStringPlease reference Response Codes page for details on all possible responses
descriptionStringThis is a description of the response received.
generatedLinkStringThis is the link generated to continue with the faceCapture
verificaionFlowIdStringThis is the unique Id of your verification flow
transactionReferenceStringIf you supplied a transactionReference, the same will be returned here. Else, we would generate a reference and return that to you in this field.
userDetailsStringThis is the details of the user performing the request
    "status": "success",
    "responseCode": "00",
    "description": "Links generated successfully",
    "generatedLink": "https://portal.verified.africa/#/consumer?token=1606f39af2ca50580bbea97cd8c5b2361fad1674ac1eddc86eacc704dd9c714411c27eca2fa605b52c3c6ef2d995a17616a35d78c5c531c3c10a4c5180d0a9dc6ba46151cfa1f7fbac034689c2326a57",
    "verificationFlowId": "VF-1680278122794",
    "transactionReference": "223344556677"

Error Responses

Status Code

400Bad Request - Invalid input parameters
401Unauthorized - Invalid API Key
500Internal Server Error - Something went wrong on the server side

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