Modes of Integration
Within a DIV
To use the SDK, create a div with id as
and invoke the init method of the SeamfixVerify class as shown below.
Without a DIV
You can also add it without the div placeholder, see example below
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>My Application</title>
<base href="/" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.ico" />
<!-- add seamfix verify SDK scripts -->
<script src=""></script>
tokenId: "VF-1716239266771",
userId: 1234455,
publicKey: 'zDZjXSUBf6aBICZpRCjK',
authenticationToken: '',
linkIdentifier: "google1",
callbackUrl: "",
sourceImage: "",
redirectUrl: "",
userDetails: {},
personalizationDetail: ""
Init method Parameters
Param | Suitable Usecase | Description | DataType | Required |
tokenId | Face capture, Face capture + Facematch, ID Verification | Verification token generated via your API | String | Yes |
authenticationToken | Face capture, Face capture + Facematch, ID Verification | The authentication token obtained from the portal should be passed into this field | String | Yes |
callbackUrl | Face capture, Face capture + Facematch, ID Verification | The callback URL is the webhook where the captured image and the background cleanup image will be sent after a successful capture/verification | String | Yes |
redirectUrl | Face capture, Face capture + Facematch, ID Verification | The redirect URL enables your customers to navigate to any destination of your choice. Once you provide us with the URL, our system will direct your customers there after capture/verification is complete | String | No |
personalizationDetail | Face capture, Face capture + Facematch, ID Verification | Use this to personalize the experience for your customers. Input the name of the person to be verified into this field | String | No |
sourceImage | Face capture + Facematch | The source image is only valid for the face capture and face match use case. You need to provide us with a reference image so that we can compare it once a user is successfully captured using our SDK. After the capture, the system will perform a face match using the reference image (source image) and the captured image. | String (base64) | Yes |
User Details | ID Verification | Best for ID verification when you want to compare the user details you have against the information to be captured. - firstName (Compulsory - middleName (Optional) - surname (Compulsory) - dob (Compulsory) - email (Optional) - phoneNumber (Optional) - gender (Optional) | Object | No |
Header | DataType | Description |
userid | String | This is your user id retrieved from the portal. Check the getting started article to understand how to retrieve your userid |
publicKey | String | This is your publickey retrieved from the portal. Check the getting started article to understand how to retrieve your publicKey |
Sample Payload for Different Use cases
Face capture Only (Below is just an example)
"tokenId": "VF-1111111111111",
"authenticationToken": "8299c793606e51e5f49922fa6e9b04f01ab7cf1b45d29ff75294dbcb8ccc5af17cf6ff123fe4f4082d91ddb64c2d9695c259eaf69a334e3e4e5c71e884c62370681b63a9e9de3fa3b3326d5b0c8f4a1c",
"callbackUrl": "",
"redirectUrl" : "",
"personalizationDetail": "Kelechi mARY",
"linkIdentifier": "goeism"
Face Capture + Face Match (Below is just an example)
"tokenId": "VF-1111111111111",
"authenticationToken": "8299c793606e51e5f49922fa6e9b04f01ab7cf1b45d29ff75294dbcb8ccc5af17cf6ff123fe4f4082d91ddb64c2d9695c259eaf69a334e3e4e5c71e884c62370681b63a9e9de3fa3b3326d5b0c8f4a1c",
"callbackUrl": "",
"sourceImage": "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEA",
"redirectUrl" : "",
"personalizationDetail": "Kelechi mARY",
"linkIdentifier": "goeism"
ID Verification (Verification with existing User details) (Below is just an example)
"tokenId": "1111111111111",
"authenticationToken": "8299c793606e51e5f49922fa6e9b04f01ab7cf1b45d29ff75294dbcb8ccc5af17cf6ff123fe4f4082d91ddb64c2d9695c259eaf69a334e3e4e5c71e884c62370681b63a9e9de3fa3b3326d5b0c8f4a1c",
"callbackUrl": "",
"redirectUrl" : "",
"personalizationDetail": "Kelechi mARY",
"linkIdentifier": "goeism",
"userDetails": {
"firstName": "EMMANUEL",
"surname": "Shawn",
"gender": "Male",
"middleName": "MACHARIA",
"email":"[email protected]",
"dob": "08-02-1997",
"phoneNumber" : "09034552435"
ID Verification (Without existing User details) (Below is just an example)
"tokenId": "VF-1111111111111",
"authenticationToken": "8299c793606e51e5f49922fa6e9b04f01ab7cf1b45d29ff75294dbcb8ccc5af17cf6ff123fe4f4082d91ddb64c2d9695c259eaf69a334e3e4e5c71e884c62370681b63a9e9de3fa3b3326d5b0c8f4a1c",
"callbackUrl": "",
"redirectUrl" : "",
"personalizationDetail": "Kelechi mARY",
"linkIdentifier": "goeism"
Updated 9 months ago