
Modes of Integration

Within a DIV


To use the SDK, create a div with id as seamfix-verify-sdk and invoke the init method of the SeamfixVerify class as shown below.

Without a DIV


You can also add it without the div placeholder, see example below

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>My Application</title>
    <base href="/" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
    <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.ico" />
    <!-- add seamfix verify SDK scripts -->
    <script src=""></script>
      tokenId: "VF-1716239266771",
      userId: 1234455,
      publicKey: 'zDZjXSUBf6aBICZpRCjK',
      authenticationToken: '',
      linkIdentifier: "google1",
      callbackUrl: "",
      sourceImage: "",
      redirectUrl: "",
      userDetails: {},
      personalizationDetail: ""

Init method Parameters

ParamSuitable UsecaseDescriptionDataTypeRequired
tokenIdFace capture, Face capture + Facematch, ID VerificationVerification token generated via your APIStringYes
authenticationTokenFace capture, Face capture + Facematch, ID VerificationThe authentication token obtained from the portal should be passed into this fieldStringYes
callbackUrlFace capture, Face capture + Facematch, ID VerificationThe callback URL is the webhook where the captured image and the background cleanup image will be sent after a successful capture/verificationStringYes
redirectUrlFace capture, Face capture + Facematch, ID VerificationThe redirect URL enables your customers to navigate to any destination of your choice. Once you provide us with the URL, our system will direct your customers there after capture/verification is completeStringNo
personalizationDetailFace capture, Face capture + Facematch, ID VerificationUse this to personalize the experience for your customers. Input the name of the person to be verified into this fieldStringNo
sourceImageFace capture + FacematchThe source image is only valid for the face capture and face match use case. You need to provide us with a reference image so that we can compare it once a user is successfully captured using our SDK. After the capture, the system will perform a face match using the reference image (source image) and the captured image.String (base64)Yes
User DetailsID VerificationBest for ID verification when you want to compare the user details you have against the information to be captured.

- firstName (Compulsory
- middleName (Optional)
- surname (Compulsory)
- dob (Compulsory)
- email (Optional)
- phoneNumber (Optional)
- gender (Optional)
useridStringThis is your user id retrieved from the portal. Check the getting started article to understand how to retrieve your userid
publicKeyStringThis is your publickey retrieved from the portal. Check the getting started article to understand how to retrieve your publicKey

Sample Payload for Different Use cases


Face capture Only (Below is just an example)

  	"tokenId": "VF-1111111111111",
    "authenticationToken": "8299c793606e51e5f49922fa6e9b04f01ab7cf1b45d29ff75294dbcb8ccc5af17cf6ff123fe4f4082d91ddb64c2d9695c259eaf69a334e3e4e5c71e884c62370681b63a9e9de3fa3b3326d5b0c8f4a1c",
    "callbackUrl": "",
    "redirectUrl" : "",
    "personalizationDetail": "Kelechi mARY",
    "linkIdentifier": "goeism"


Face Capture + Face Match (Below is just an example)

     "tokenId": "VF-1111111111111",
    "authenticationToken": "8299c793606e51e5f49922fa6e9b04f01ab7cf1b45d29ff75294dbcb8ccc5af17cf6ff123fe4f4082d91ddb64c2d9695c259eaf69a334e3e4e5c71e884c62370681b63a9e9de3fa3b3326d5b0c8f4a1c",
    "callbackUrl": "",
    "sourceImage": "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEA",
    "redirectUrl" : "",
    "personalizationDetail": "Kelechi mARY",
    "linkIdentifier": "goeism"


ID Verification (Verification with existing User details) (Below is just an example)

     "tokenId": "1111111111111",
    "authenticationToken": "8299c793606e51e5f49922fa6e9b04f01ab7cf1b45d29ff75294dbcb8ccc5af17cf6ff123fe4f4082d91ddb64c2d9695c259eaf69a334e3e4e5c71e884c62370681b63a9e9de3fa3b3326d5b0c8f4a1c",
    "callbackUrl": "",
    "redirectUrl" : "",
    "personalizationDetail": "Kelechi mARY",
    "linkIdentifier": "goeism",
    "userDetails": {
      "firstName": "EMMANUEL",
      "surname": "Shawn",
      "gender": "Male",
      "middleName": "MACHARIA",
      "email":"[email protected]",
      "dob": "08-02-1997",
      "phoneNumber" : "09034552435"


ID Verification (Without existing User details) (Below is just an example)

    "tokenId": "VF-1111111111111",
    "authenticationToken": "8299c793606e51e5f49922fa6e9b04f01ab7cf1b45d29ff75294dbcb8ccc5af17cf6ff123fe4f4082d91ddb64c2d9695c259eaf69a334e3e4e5c71e884c62370681b63a9e9de3fa3b3326d5b0c8f4a1c",
    "callbackUrl": "",
    "redirectUrl" : "",
    "personalizationDetail": "Kelechi mARY",
    "linkIdentifier": "goeism"